. Take advantage of some free, expert technical support: the Linux Users Group, or LUG. The heartbeat of Linux support, and of Linux itself, is the LUG. There are LUGs in almost every country in the world, where you can get Linux advice and help from people who live near you, speak your language, and are willing to donate their time so that new users (like you!) can learn about Linux without going through any more head-scratching than necessary.
Two excellent LUG lists can be found here and here. Neither of these lists is quite complete; there is no "LUG central" any more than there is a single company that controls Linux. Each LUG operates independently and has its own style and meeting schedule. Note that if there is no LUG close enough for you to conveniently attend meetings, most LUGs maintain email lists you can join and use to get answers to any Linux questions you have.
One very good reason to make contact with a LUG before you install Linux, or even decide which distribution to use, is that your nearest LUG's members may have accumulated experience with one particular distribution and may be most helpful with that one. If this is the case, you would be wise to choose the distribution most popular with local LUG members, because you will get better and more accurate answers to any questions you may have.
So please, try to find a LUG and ask your questions there, because that is what a LUG is for. You may also find that a LUG in your area holds "installfests," which are special events where LUG members will sit down with you, in person, and help you install Linux on your computer if you "LUG" it with you to the LUG meeting location. (Maybe this is why they're called LUGs, eh?) This is the absolutely best and easiest way to get Linux going. If there is a LUG near you, and they do not have an installfest scheduled, ask anyway. Many LUGs will help you with an install at any meeting, anytime.
And now, let's talk about Linux distributions.
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